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Morita Kanga as Kitsune Tadanobu in 'Yoshisune senbon-zakura', 1952
Woodblock Print
15.5 x 10.75
Description: Bold profile portrait of kabuki actor Morita Kanya XIV as the kitsune (fox) Tadanobu in the play "Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura." In order to retrieve a drum made from the skin of his parents, a magic fox transforms himself into Yoshitsune's loyal samurai Tadanobu. Yoshitsune had given the drum to his mistress, Shizuka gozen, so the fox takes the place of Tadanobu as he accompanies the beauty on a journey to rejoin Yoshitsune. Here, he looks down with a rather haughty expression, his back turned to the viewer, a folding fan in hand. His black hair is carefully styled, combed back in waves with a few short locks artfully placed and the rest pulled up into a thick topknot tied with embossed white cord. The large red and white pattern of the kimono adds dramatic impact to the scene.
Issued: 1952
Edition: first
Condition: good with lacquer detail in hair, fine embossing of detail in face and garments. Faint fading and matline Affixed at top margin to original folio sheet
Signed: Shunsen
Sealed: with seal and carver's mark Watanabe 6mm seal
Series: 30 Portraits of Contemporary Actors in Kabuki Plays