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Yoro Waterall, Mino Province, 1853
Woodblock Print
14.25 x 10
Description: Cascading off Mount Tado, Yoro Waterfall was a famous placeof Mino Province. In this striking composition, Hiroshige evokes a sense awe, perhaps as profound as that felt before the actual waterfall. At first glance, the eye is drawn to the column of blue and white down the length of the page.The overhanging pines establish a sense of scale, while the clouds suggest a staggering height. Finally, in the white of the cascade, the use of blind printing adds texture to the water, embossing the paper and suggesting movement.
Issued: 1853
Condition: excellent impression and very fine original colors
Special Label:seals Kinugasa and Murata
Publisher: Koshimuraya Heisuke
Series:Hiroshiges Journey in the 60 Odd Provinces No.23 in the Series