Kawase Hasui

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Kawase Hasui - Honmon Temple_ Ikegami

In the Snow, Nakayama-shichiri Road, Hida, 1924

Woodblock Print  
10.25 x 15.25 in

Description: "The Nakayama-shichiri Road appears early on in (Hasui's) sketches from his journey. The distant mountains are printed without contour lines, conveying a sense that they are being buried under the heavy snow." ~Narazaki

Issued: 1924

Edition: first edition

Condition: very fine with excellent colors, richer than the example shown in Hotei; a first edition sheet with Watanabe 'A' seal left margin

Signed: in black brush

Sealed: in red 'sui'

Special Label: Hotei #123

Publisher: Watanabe Shozaburo

Series: Souvenirs of Travel, third series