Taiso Yoshitoshi

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Taiso Yoshitoshi - The Ghost of wicked Genta Yoshira attacking Namba Jiro

The Ghost of wicked Genta Yoshira attacking Namba Jiro, 1889

Woodblock Print  
14.75 x 10 in

Description: Following his execution at the hand of the Taira, Yoshihira Minamoto takes his revenge on his executioner in the form of of the Thunder God. Here he glares down form a swirling maelstrom of clouds hurling thunderbolts

Issued: December 1889

Edition: early edition

Condition: very fine color, state and condition, lightly toned; slight thinning top left corner verso

Sealed: Yoshitoshi no-in

Special Label: Engraver: Wada

Publisher: Akiyama Buemon

Series: 36 Ghosts, No.XlX